Daniel and The Soverenity of God (Introduction)

The movie “God’s Not Dead” is a realistic portrayal of college students who are not permitted to voice their belief in God on secular campuses. In the movie the atheistic philosophy teacher demanded on the first day of class that each of the 80 student write three words on a sheet of paper: God is Dead. One student, Josh Wheaton, who was a Christian refused and was ridiculed by his teacher for the rest of the semester.

The persecution on university campus is so widespread, that The Alliance Defending Freedom ministry actually comes to the legal defense of Christian students. The Alliance Defending Freedom has won nine Supreme Court cases in the seven years.

The theme of Daniel is God’s sovereignty even in the worst of times of persecution and even in times of chastening which was the case of Israel. God’s sovereignty encouraged the returning captives to Israel, later Jews in the Maccabean persecutions, and finally, all future suffering believers (Hebrews 11:33).

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